Methods of Cost Cutting in Facilities Management | Apollo Power Systems

Methods of Cost Cutting in Facilities Management.

Cost reduction is one of major elements of facilities management services There are different ways to perform cost cutting in a company. Few of the methods have been listed as below:

Reduce Overtime

Limiting the building’s working/operational hours is the best and convenient method for reducing operational cost-cutting. Employee overtime would have a direct impact on cost cutting in the fields of electricity and other resources. In companies, all the employees must be able to work smart rather than working for long/prolonged working hours. Time is money and value of money is completely dependent on time, hence all the employees must make effective utilization of time in order to reduce cost. One of the most important method of reducing significant cost is by making Saturdays as official holiday. This will reduce cost, and add advantage for facility management team and for the employees of the firm.

Energy Consumption Cost

Utilization of energy must be in its most effective manner. For smooth running of any building, the installation of effective energy equipment must be installed. However, it is equally important to take further steps to ensure that these equipments are not increasing the energy cost. The most basic things such as utilization of air conditioners, fans, lights etc in unnecessary places should be discouraged. Coffee makers and vending machines should be utilized efficiently. Motion-detecting technology can also be installed to automatically turn off fans, air conditioners, lights and vending machines at night.

Timely Inspection

Inspections play a very vital role, and it has to be carried out on regular basis. Surprise inspections and regular scheduled inspection of equipment would help to remove/replace equipments which are having issues or are not in much use. Maintenance and inspection is an important part of property maintenance in India in Facility Management Services. This helps in identifying the areas that might be of a potential danger to the premises. Identifying and replacing the equipments which are damaged during or after the installation. Software up-gradation, repairing equipment, re-installation of equipment, eliminating possible machinery defects, etc. comes under timely inspection.


Planning is the most crucial and one of the most important element, which helps in reduction of cost. In any organization or in any activity, planning plays a very important role. facility management team should be experts in planning and implementing to increase the investments in the areas with high cost. After a thorough research and study, the facility management team would know where they should implement their strategies for cost efficiency.

Methods of Cost Cutting in Facilities Management.

Cost reduction is one of major elements of facilities management services. There are different ways to perform cost cutting in a company. Few of the methods have been listed as below:

Reduce Overtime

Limiting the building’s working/operational hours is the best and convenient method for reducing operational cost-cutting. Employee overtime would have a direct impact on cost cutting in the fields of electricity and other resources. In companies, all the employees must be able to work smart rather than working for long/prolonged working hours. Time is money and value of money is completely dependent on time, hence all the employees must make effective utilization of time in order to reduce cost. One of the most important method of reducing significant cost is by making Saturdays as official holiday. This will reduce cost, and add advantage for facility management team and for the employees of the firm.

Energy Consumption Cost

Utilization of energy must be in its most effective manner. For smooth running of any building, the installation of effective energy equipment must be installed. However, it is equally important to take further steps to ensure that these equipments are not increasing the energy cost. The most basic things such as utilization of air conditioners, fans, lights etc in unnecessary places should be discouraged. Coffee makers and vending machines should be utilized efficiently. Motion-detecting technology can also be installed to automatically turn off fans, air conditioners, lights and vending machines at night.

Timely Inspection

Inspections play a very vital role, and it has to be carried out on regular basis. Surprise inspections and regular scheduled inspection of equipment would help to remove/replace equipments which are having issues or are not in much use. Maintenance and inspection is an important part of property maintenance in India in Facility Management Services. This helps in identifying the areas that might be of a potential danger to the premises. Identifying and replacing the equipments which are damaged during or after the installation. Software up-gradation, repairing equipment, re-installation of equipment, eliminating possible machinery defects, etc. comes under timely inspection.


Planning is the most crucial and one of the most important element, which helps in reduction of cost. In any organization or in any activity, planning plays a very important role. Facility management team should be experts in planning and implementing to increase the investments in the areas with high cost. After a thorough research and study, the facility management team would know where they should implement their strategies for cost efficiency.

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